The beginnings of our startup is very much intertwined with the story of our founder.
We are creating revolutionary conversations in both traditional and innovative ways including books, poetry, films, graphic novels, and more. Our multimedia creative house blends nature, tech, and art in storytelling for the adult and YA-crossover market. Our creative storytelling is bold, diverse, experimental, imaginative, introspective, and colorful in style.
We believe that acronym is not truly accessible and welcoming as it should be for everyone and the mass market. We define Nature+Art+Tech as our attractive vision to engage parts of our universe in an innovative way. It reintroduces ideas and stories that have not been shown to many. It appeals to the adult and YA-crossover market that we reach. We are breathing new life into the universe, science, and art. We invite you to explore your story in the oasis here.
“To Be. To Belong. To Be Seen. That's it, that's the story.”